BEDA 21: Lalala

Today at work, a little girl named Gabrielle (she's 5) came up to me (and mind you, I see her every Tuesday) and said "Lauren! Today, you are very beautiful!" I laughed and said "Thank you Gabrielle! You are very beautiful too!" I'm not sure if I should take this simply as a compliment, or wonder if I normally look terrible and today was something out of the ordinary? I think I'll go with the former. Either way, it was very cute and there's nothing that starts off a good day at work like a fabulous ego boost.

I got home after work around 8pm, and lazed around because it is JUST TOO HOT! My coworker and I discussed today how this miserable heat is the ultimate energy sucker. It's very unfortunate, because I have quite a bit I need to get done before classes tomorrow. Right now I'm watching Princess Diaries (I haven't seen it in so long). I love Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway and I forgot how funny and awkward this movie is (I'm still at the beginning pre-makeover). There is a lot of witty dialogue that I had totally forgotten about. Yay for good movies! :)

Watching this movie also made me think about how much I wish I lived in a old firehouse. Anne Hathaway's house is amazing and she has a tower and it's just the big huge room that is this warehouse of artisticness. I WANT IT. Maybe I'll move to San Francisco and buy a firehouse to make my home. San Francisco IS only an hour away., eh?

Blaaah this is short because I'm trying to watch this movie and maybe start some homework? yuck.

Ciao & DFTBA :)