Welcome to Seattle!

Last night after Terra Nova, someone had the brilliant idea that we should go on a night hike in Los Gatos. As much as I love our weekly after party of In N' Out and Starbucks every week, it's nice to change it up every once in a while. So we all drove over to the Los Gatos hills and ended up hiking like 3 miles(?) uphill to the top of this mountain with an amazing view. I can offically say I am out of shape due to me being winded from this adventure, and feeling sore today. HA! Definitely worth it though.

Mandie and I then went to Michael's house and proceeded to lay on his bed for the next two hours (by this time it was like 2:30am). Let me remind you that when it starts to get into the early hours of the morning (4am+) Lauren gets a litttttle loopy. I begin to make Paris Hilton-esque comments that do not exactly showcase my brilliance to it's full extent. But I guess it provides entertainment for everyone present! I also thought my car wouldn't start when I left at 5am but it turns out I was trying to start my car with my HOUSE KEY.

Got home, did some laundry, and slept from 5:30am-9:30am. I got up, packed for Seattle, and was out the door by 10:45am. 2 points for me!

My airport/flying experience was actually NOT traumatizing this time! Usually I am stuck on jam packed planes and I get super anxious because I'm terrified of being in a plane crash and so I semi-freak out the whole flight and spend 75% of the time praying that the plane doesn't crash. I also have the amazing ability to pick fabulous people to sit next to (creepy men, smelly people, screaming children, etc.). As I was standing in line (number C-25 which means I was one of the last 10 people to get on the flight) the airport man said "Just so you know, this is a completely full flight and so take whatever seat you see first." FABULOUS......not. SO I'm walking down the aisle trying to find a nice lady or someone my age to sit next to but alas. There are NO SEATS. I make my way to the backish and this man is pointing at me and asking me to come sit in his middle seat between him and another man! Let's just say both of them were 6 feet+ and looked like members of ZZ Top. Luckily some other man took that seat and the ZZ Top guy goes "Aww we wanted you to sit with us because we were trying to find a small person!" I was like.."hehhh sorry!"

I ended up getting a window seat next to a cool Christian guy and his wife. I NEVER SIT NEXT TO NORMAL PEOPLE and I was so happy! He was reading a book by John Ortberg I think, so we talked about Christian lit for a little while and while I was filling out paperwork he, apparently was watching what I was doing because he asked me where South Hills was. His pregnant wife was cute and I just had a very peaceful flight. Yaay flying!

Now I am in Seattle watching Dateline, and hopefully will be going to bed soon even though I took a 2 hour nap from 5:30-7:30pm. Back home on Monday morning! :)

Life is good.

Life is actually halfway decent right now. I'm sick and behind in school, but hey. I can't complain. I chose to hang out with friends at Starbucks last night for like 4 1/2 hours instead of doing homework, and I'm okay with that. We talked about our favorite actors of all time and it was fun and dandy.

Yesterday I met with the fabulous old man Kit and got my paperwork for becoming a Junior High Protege. This should be really cool/interesting. I'm excited for a lot of the Summer events coming up.

Why today/this week/life is good:
-Terra Nova tonight=<3
-I discovered the beauty of french press's and I really want one.
-I didn't have work at all this week which was super convenient since I have been sick all week.
-I'm starting to feel a lot better.
-I learned how to play two of my favorite songs EVER on the guitar.
-I get to see my lovely Allee today when she comes over so I can put together the Pioneer leadership end of the year slideshow/video (how I get sucked back into these things, I'm not sure....but I love it!)
-Tomorrow I leave for Seattle/Vancouver for the weekend.

Why today/this week/life is NOT good:
-I hate flying and I have to fly tomorrow.
-I'm hoping this morning at the doctor's they give me medicine to take tomorrow so my eardrums won't burst while flying.
-I have to give blood at the doctor's? SO NOT MY FAVORITE THING EVER.
-I leave tomorrow morning and I have not done laundry/cleaned my room/packed. I don't even know what time I have to go to the airport. I guess I should get on that.
-I get back from this weekend extravaganza at 9:30am on Monday morning and have class from 10:30am-12:10pm, and work from 1-8. NOT going to be a fun day.

Time to go shower and get ready to go kick it with Dr. Chau! Waiting rooms are definitely not my favorite thing, but I'm going to bring a book I have really enjoyed reading so that should make the time pass quickly.

I guess if the only thing I really have to complain about is my fear of flying and giving a blood sample, life isn't all that terrible.

Sick sick sick!

Blaaah I am sick and it's terrible. If you know me, you know I have the worst immune system ever and get sick all the time. Okay, not ALL the time...but definitely more then the average person. My little brother has been sick the past week and half or so (and he missed a full week of school) and got tested for mono and stuff. Because he's still awaiting those results, I might have to get tested for mono also? Freaking fricker. Have I mentioned how much I hate when friends visit me when I'm sick? I'm like dying in bed, looking like death, feeling like death, and the last thing I want is someone coming over. That's just me though, because I know a lot of people like it when people visit them.

The past 2ish weeks or so have been a blur, I've spent a lot of time with Em and Michael, and I've gotten home between 3am-5am almost every night. Definitely not ideal! I need my solid 9 hours of sleep hahahha.

The one good thing about being stuck at home is getting caught up on my homework. I'm definitely feeling a bit more relaxed about the next couple weeks since I got caught up on some stuff.

Last night my mom and I watched Seven Pounds (Will Smith and Rosario Dawson) and I really enjoyed it! Of course my poor mother who is basically only a fan of romantic comedies was already confused and asking questions two minutes into the movie. I, who have never seen the movie before, politely had to remind her that some of the scenes could be out of sequence, and that she should wait until the end of the movie to ask questions. Of course...5 minutes until the end of the movie, "AHH LAUREN I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON?! I'm confused!" WELL, HOW ABOUT YOU ASK IN 5 MINUTES ONCE THE MOVIE IS OVER....
goodness gracious!
I think that confusion in movies just goes along with my pet peeve of people talking during movies. There are just some movies out there where it doesn't make sense until the very end of the film! Patience is a virtue!
Anyways, Seven Pounds had great cinematography and the score was also amazing. I know the critics didn't like it, but I did!

Now I am wasting my life away watching Discovery ID discuss the characteristics of serial killers. Classy. Thank goodness there is no school tomorrow and that I don't have work at all this week. Sometimes things just work out conveniently that way.

DFTBA friends.

Busy Weekend

SOOO, today was quite a busy day and I didn't accomplish nearly enough of what I wanted to accomplish. I woke up at like 9am which is ridiculously late for me (I usually get up at like 7am since I am quite the early bird) but the past week I've been going to bed all late-ish (12am+) so that means I sleep in late which is BAD BAD BAD! Then of course I did my daily morning routine including catching up on blogs and youtube subscriptions, checking facebook/e-mail/twitter/etc. and then showering/getting ready and playing the guitar. I find it kind of funny that I always play the guitar within the 30 minutes of waking up every morning. Weird habits anyone?

So by the time all of the above events were done, it was about 1pm. I had to be in Santa Cruz at 2:15pm, so I figured I'd grab some yogurt and a banana and hit the road! There always seems to be traffic on Highway 17 when it is an 75+ degree Friday but there was no traffic! 2 points for me! :)

Filming was fun, but long and tiring as well. We filmed at a park/bus stop area for 4ish hours and then went and filmed the rest at my director's apartment. At least the cast was really fun and funny, because in between all our takes we were cracking up at EVERYTHING. I had a case of the giggles ALL day which really made it awkward when having to do a ton of serious scenes (which are never my favorite!). If my director happens to make bloopers, there will most definitely be more video clips of me laughing then there are of me actually doing something good. HAHA. I fail. -2 points for me (I'm back at 0 now for my life score of the day). It all turned out well, and I even got to show some of them my amazing guitar and songwriting skills near the end of the day. Let's just say, I was a little out of it after 7+ hours of filming that they nicknamed me Loopy Lauren.

I'm totally making myself sound like a terrible actor right now, but I really did memorize my lines (in the car on the way there) and after my takes the director kept saying "PERFECT! WOW THATS GREAT!" so clearly I must be doing SOMETHING right. Luckily everyone was pretty laid back and chillaxed to the max so we all had a good time, but also got everything done in a timely manner!

I parked in a parking garage in downtown while filming because I didn't know where else to park and didn't want to go searching around for meters/etc. Anyways, I went to the same parking garage I always go to but I LOST MY TICKET! So when I went to go back in to pay at like 10pm, I had to search around for the cashier place which was like, underground and there were lots of scary people and I was alone! But the janitor was nice and was like "Have a nice night, honey!" I'm not really sure if the janitor and I were on pet name terms, but I guess I took it as a non-creeper gesture. I also thought I was going to have to pay like $20 for my lost ticket but I only had to pay $5 (which is the maximum amount they charge per day). YAAAY! So even though I was scared of the scary people it turned out okay.

All day I really wanted an iced coffee from mcdonald's but I didn't get one, so on the way home I picked one up. I asked for decaf but they didn't have it so I got caffeine (MINUS 2 POINTS FOR ME! My life score is now -2 for the day). Why I did this? I DON'T KNOW! I was on the phone with Tracy at the time and said "ehh the caffeine won't really affect me, I'm so exhausted" but clearly at 12:32am, I am still awake and kickin'.

I should be doing homework, since I'm a bit behind and will not really have an extended amount of time this weekend to do it but I would much rather go to sleep. I also have to be at work in exactly 7 hours and 26 minutes. I FAIL AT LIFE.

Plan for tomorrow:
8:30am-1:30pm/ Work
1:30pm-3:30pm/ Do homework? Probably not. watch the newest episode of The Hills? Probably so!
3:30pm-6:00pm/ Filming in Santa Cruz
6:00pm-forever/ Be amazing

Plan for Sunday:
9:00am-12:30pm/ COTH (Church on the Hill for you newbs out there) and Oasis JH
2:30pm/ Seeing a play for my theatre class (Kiss Me Kate) in Sunnyvale
6:00pm(?)- forever/ Wasting my life away watching too much MTV and not being productive

Things I need to do (this is more for my sake, then for my faithful readers....studies have shown that if you write things down you are more likely to remember them. I actually don't know this for a fact, or if there are studies about it but it seems to help me a lot!):
-Film audition for Private (more on this later)
-Film audition for the Alabama movie (more on this later)
-Finish cleaning room
-Do some homework..maybe...
-Go to the post office
-Go to the library and pick up books on hold!
-Watch Adventureland to see if it will help me gain love for Kristen Stewart (plus, I've heard from several people that this movie is good).

It is now 12:47am, and time for sleep!

Life points for today: -7 (but, I did get all my lines right and only messed up filming takes today because I laughed...not because I messed up any lines. I give myself 5 points for that. Updated score= -2).

Today was a good day, and tomorrow should be as well!

This is our decision, to live fast and die young

Disney Channel Original Movies
Earl Grey tea
Kris Allen
The Hills

11-year-old brothers who bother everyone and anything around them
Not having enough time to read books
Bad acting in Disney Channel Original Movies

Right now I'm watching Gotta Kick it Up. I consider this a Disney classic, though I never realized how bad some of the acting is. At least it's still...entertaining? I don't even know why I'm watching this since I'm so behind on some of my other tv shows, but oh well.

I'm finishing up my Santa Cruz film stuff this weekend. Hopefully I'll be getting the final copy of it sooner then later so I can add that to my reel. The rest of the cast that I've met so far are pretty cool so I'm looking forward to Friday and Saturday.

I really want the Hannah Montana Movie soundtrack. Early birthday present anyone? Hahahaha. Just kidding, I'll probably buy it myself. Maybe I just really want to be Miley Cyrus?

There is this super awesome workshop tomorrow in LA that some of the big time Disney casting directors will be at and alas, I'M NOT THERE! :( huge bummer. Someday I'll be a Disney star, someday.

Today I watched John Green's blogtv show and HE ANSWERED ONE OF MY QUESTIONS! AHHHH SO EXCITING. I love John Green x 439084390282 and all other nerdfighters will appreciate this moment of triumph for me.

Well, my laptop officially has 7 minutes of battery left so I guess I should cut this blog short before it all gets deleted.

DFTBA and best wishes!

They say rain makes people crazy.

Yesterday was a very interesting day. It went from good to bad to good to bad and then good, then it ended very interestingly....

I got my hair done by the fabulous Cory Nowicki. She had an interview at a salon and needed a hair model, which was perfect because I was going to go back blonde anyway (but was waiting until I had more money) and she cut my hair/highlighted/dyed it for free! Yay for that. The only bad part was this whole ordeal was supposed to take 2-3 hours but ended up taking almost 6.

Now, I was supposed to be in Santa Cruz at 4pm for some pre-production stuff for the film I'm in. I got home from hair stuff at about 3pm, and then had to eat, cash a check at the bank, and get gas, AND be in Santa Cruz by 4pm. Clearly, this wasn't going to all fit into an hour.

In my frenzy, I decide to hit up Mcdonalds for some food. I am clearly driving with road rage because I'm running late and haven't eaten since 8:30am and I'm hungry and angry and it's not a fun and happy situation! I pull up to Mcdonalds to find a long line of cars. OF COURSE! It's finally my turn and here is the conversation:
Man: "Uhhm hello, welcome to Mcdonalds, cash only?"
Me: "Uhmm sorry I don't have any cash"
Man: "Ohh, no uhm cash uhm cash only"
Me: "Uhhh SORRY, I don't have any cash"
Man: "Ohhh okay, cash only"
Me: "............."

SO I have to sit there and drive past the window where I should be receiving my food and wait for all the other cars, just wasting my time. THEN, I thought of a grand idea! I will just go inside and order my food. Surely the credit card machine will be working. I parked and went inside and of course there was a line inside. FINALLY, FINALLY it's my turn! I order and get my total and am ready to swipe my card...

Lady: "Hi, just so you know we only take cash"

I think I said this a little louder then necessary, but I was very frustrated at the fact that this stupid Mcdonalds only takes cash. I have been here about a gazillion other times and they took cards before! What's the deal? I was running late, people! I didn't even really want Mcdonalds, I just had no time to get anything good!

So THAT, folks is why you should never go to Mcdonalds.

I ended up getting my check cashed at the bank and running to Togo's before hitting the road to Santa Cruz. The time that I got onto the freeway was 3:36pm. We all know that there is no way you are getting to downtown Santa Cruz and parking in 24 minutes. It was also pouring rain and driving 17 wasn't exactly my cup of tea. It was foggy and I couldn't see and I was by myself and the radio station I wanted to listen to didn't have service up in the mountains.

The good news was that my director and other actor I was meeting with were also running late so it all turned out okay.
After that, I rushed back to San Jose, picked up Tom, went to Kevin's show, went to Nina's, and came home.

I guess even though part of the day was stressful, the good outweighed the bad.

This morning I answered the phone:

Me: "Hello?"
Lady: "Hello!"
Me: "Hello..."
....awkward silence....
Lady: "Is your mom or dad home?"
Me: "No, can I take a message?"
Lady: "Ohh, no I'll call later" *hangs up*

Hmm, if I remember correctly, I am 19 years old (old enough to buy lottery tickets/fight for our country/buy cigarettes/order off infomercials/etc.) and she asked for my mom or dad? Typically when I answer the phone people THINK I am my mother. Apparently my voice sounds like a child today? Interesting.
I then proceeded to run back and sit on my heater wrapped up in a blanket and finish watching Jack. I guess I am still a little kid at heart..

Now it's time to be grown up and do some laundry, unload the dishwasher, and run errands.