Busy Weekend

SOOO, today was quite a busy day and I didn't accomplish nearly enough of what I wanted to accomplish. I woke up at like 9am which is ridiculously late for me (I usually get up at like 7am since I am quite the early bird) but the past week I've been going to bed all late-ish (12am+) so that means I sleep in late which is BAD BAD BAD! Then of course I did my daily morning routine including catching up on blogs and youtube subscriptions, checking facebook/e-mail/twitter/etc. and then showering/getting ready and playing the guitar. I find it kind of funny that I always play the guitar within the 30 minutes of waking up every morning. Weird habits anyone?

So by the time all of the above events were done, it was about 1pm. I had to be in Santa Cruz at 2:15pm, so I figured I'd grab some yogurt and a banana and hit the road! There always seems to be traffic on Highway 17 when it is an 75+ degree Friday but there was no traffic! 2 points for me! :)

Filming was fun, but long and tiring as well. We filmed at a park/bus stop area for 4ish hours and then went and filmed the rest at my director's apartment. At least the cast was really fun and funny, because in between all our takes we were cracking up at EVERYTHING. I had a case of the giggles ALL day which really made it awkward when having to do a ton of serious scenes (which are never my favorite!). If my director happens to make bloopers, there will most definitely be more video clips of me laughing then there are of me actually doing something good. HAHA. I fail. -2 points for me (I'm back at 0 now for my life score of the day). It all turned out well, and I even got to show some of them my amazing guitar and songwriting skills near the end of the day. Let's just say, I was a little out of it after 7+ hours of filming that they nicknamed me Loopy Lauren.

I'm totally making myself sound like a terrible actor right now, but I really did memorize my lines (in the car on the way there) and after my takes the director kept saying "PERFECT! WOW THATS GREAT!" so clearly I must be doing SOMETHING right. Luckily everyone was pretty laid back and chillaxed to the max so we all had a good time, but also got everything done in a timely manner!

I parked in a parking garage in downtown while filming because I didn't know where else to park and didn't want to go searching around for meters/etc. Anyways, I went to the same parking garage I always go to but I LOST MY TICKET! So when I went to go back in to pay at like 10pm, I had to search around for the cashier place which was like, underground and there were lots of scary people and I was alone! But the janitor was nice and was like "Have a nice night, honey!" I'm not really sure if the janitor and I were on pet name terms, but I guess I took it as a non-creeper gesture. I also thought I was going to have to pay like $20 for my lost ticket but I only had to pay $5 (which is the maximum amount they charge per day). YAAAY! So even though I was scared of the scary people it turned out okay.

All day I really wanted an iced coffee from mcdonald's but I didn't get one, so on the way home I picked one up. I asked for decaf but they didn't have it so I got caffeine (MINUS 2 POINTS FOR ME! My life score is now -2 for the day). Why I did this? I DON'T KNOW! I was on the phone with Tracy at the time and said "ehh the caffeine won't really affect me, I'm so exhausted" but clearly at 12:32am, I am still awake and kickin'.

I should be doing homework, since I'm a bit behind and will not really have an extended amount of time this weekend to do it but I would much rather go to sleep. I also have to be at work in exactly 7 hours and 26 minutes. I FAIL AT LIFE.

Plan for tomorrow:
8:30am-1:30pm/ Work
1:30pm-3:30pm/ Do homework? Probably not. watch the newest episode of The Hills? Probably so!
3:30pm-6:00pm/ Filming in Santa Cruz
6:00pm-forever/ Be amazing

Plan for Sunday:
9:00am-12:30pm/ COTH (Church on the Hill for you newbs out there) and Oasis JH
2:30pm/ Seeing a play for my theatre class (Kiss Me Kate) in Sunnyvale
6:00pm(?)- forever/ Wasting my life away watching too much MTV and not being productive

Things I need to do (this is more for my sake, then for my faithful readers....studies have shown that if you write things down you are more likely to remember them. I actually don't know this for a fact, or if there are studies about it but it seems to help me a lot!):
-Film audition for Private (more on this later)
-Film audition for the Alabama movie (more on this later)
-Finish cleaning room
-Do some homework..maybe...
-Go to the post office
-Go to the library and pick up books on hold!
-Watch Adventureland to see if it will help me gain love for Kristen Stewart (plus, I've heard from several people that this movie is good).

It is now 12:47am, and time for sleep!

Life points for today: -7 (but, I did get all my lines right and only messed up filming takes today because I laughed...not because I messed up any lines. I give myself 5 points for that. Updated score= -2).

Today was a good day, and tomorrow should be as well!