BEDA 19: Movies and Family!

I love movies. I LOVE THEM. I mean, I should...right? That's kind of what I want to do with my career. Back when I wasn't so busy I would watch at least one movie a day, sometimes more. I also made sure I saw almost every movie that was up for an Academy Award. I love indie films and documentaries and all the Sundance ones that most people don't end up seeing. Tracy (good friend/audition buddy/fellow aspiring actress) always makes fun of me because I tend to watch movies over and over again. She let me borrow Autism: The Musical (which is a fabulous documentary) and I watched it like...4 times in one week! I just don't get sick of watching the same movie all the time. Same thing goes with music but that's a completely different discussion that would take an entire blog to talk about. I don't know if anyone has ever seen the movie Brick, but it's one of my favorites and I could watch it over and over and over again (and I did, when I first got it).

I guess I thought everyone watches movies over and over again but Tracy said that no, that is not the case (at least for her).

Recently I found some funny old pictures of my brothers and I when we were little (I have three younger brothers ages: 17, 15, and 11).

Lauren and John-Mark back in the day:

Lauren(19) and John-Mark(17) present day:

Lauren and Chad back in the day (don't be too jealous of my purple windbreaker pants):

Lauren(19) and Chad(15) present day:

That was us in October at GuluWalk and at Christmas.

I don't have any pictures of Trevor at the moment. Oh well....sorry Trev!

and here's my last one to show you WHAT MY MOTHER USED TO DRESS US IN! Oh the horror.

Really now, mom! REALLY?!

Make sure you click on that picture and get the fabulous blow up version of Chad's knee high socks and shoes. HAHA.


Alissa said...

I love movies too! Today I watched Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day and as soon as it was over I wanted to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, stupid net. It ate my comment. The gist of it was, I love watching movies too but haven't watched that many. Must be fixed but no video store close-by and no time. :(

The baby pictures are ADORABLE <33 and don't you know vintage and nerd chic are very "in" right now. Your mother was WAY ahead of the times.