De Anza= awesome (besides the NOT SO AWESOME parking situation). Really though, it took me like 20 minutes to find parking which is just stupid and waste of time. But Theatre Appreciation was fun and dandy...and hopefully I'll get added to the class.

Then I finally got a job! I found out tonight (after my 2nd interview) that I got hired. And they told me right afterwards and it was all fun and dandy. So I'm working tomorrow...hahaha. YAY FOR JUMPING RIGHT IN.
Good things about my work:
-I get to play with children between the ages of 2 and 5.
-My uniform consists of fun t-shirts and sweats/basketball shorts.
-I don't have to wear shoes.
-My coworkers are all my age-ish.
-I get to teach kids how to walk on balance beams and do fun exercise stuff and teach them gymnastics and play in a ball pit.
-It's just very fun where time goes by fast.

Even though tomorrow is my first OFFICIAL day of work, the two interviews I've had are "working interviews" where I was basically actually working...

So all in all, even though it took me a while to find a job I like, I now have a job I like!

Then tonight Tracy and I got coffee and talked about our fun lives at the moment. REALLY THOUGH on the life happiness scale my life went from like a -27 to a 7 over the course of a day.

Who gets excited about school and work? REALLY LAUREN, REALLY?

Well it's off to reading and sleepy time because I have classes in the morning (ballet and jazz) YEAH I KNOW FUN STUFF :)

I've also decided I freaking LOVE Urinetown. The music is so good!<3