BEDA 20: It's too hot.

FIRST THINGS FIRST! This weather is ridiculous. It is WAY TOO HOT! For you non-Californians out there, today/yesterday was 90+ degrees. I feel like I'm melting every time I step outdoors. At least my work has air conditioning. Even as I sit in my room right now, my house is like 80 degrees and I feel like I'm dying.

Today I just had work (I skipped the one class I have on Mondays) and then I had a coffee/Mexican food date with Tracy (good friend/audition buddy/fellow aspiring actor). It is starting to get late and I have quite a bit of homework to do before Wednesday. I'll be gone from 10am-8pm tomorrow with work and school, so responsible Lauren is saying she should probably get at least SOME homework done tonight but irresponsible Lauren is saying it's too hot to function and she should catch up on an episode of The Hills she didn't watch last week and never do homework ever again.

Yesterday my brother introduced me to a fabulous show called Summer Heights High. This show is so hilarious and since there has only been one season so far, I have like 3 episodes to go and then I'm all caught up. Honestly, there aren't THAT many shows that I find myself laughing out loud at and then quoting and laughing some more and re-watching youtube clips over and over again....but this is one of them.

I hate when you have a whole bunch of random things that need to get done but you just don't have enough time to do them. I really need to go to the bank and post office but both of those places are closed by the time I get off of work and my break in between work and school is just long enough for me to drive there and be on time. LAME. I guess I'll go to the bank and post office on Thursday. THIS IS THE MOST BORING BLOG EVER! Maybe I should create the first 24 hour post office. Why haven't people thought about this?!

I hate all the crap Miss California is receiving right now for her comments at Miss America. It cost her, her title as well as being called a homophobe by all of America. I'm glad she said what she did and that she didn't compromise HER beliefs just to fit in with the majority of America. Lucky for us, we are in a country where we have freedom of speech and that she can (or SHOULD) be able to say HER OWN opinions without persecution. She could have easily said an answer that was more neutral but she chose to speak her mind and hold on to what she believed. I commend you Miss California! There are way too many articles in the news about this issue and it's just ridiculous that it's even an issue at all. It's her beliefs and her answer....leave it the heck alone. I still like Perez, but this whole "controversy" was uncalled for.

That's all folks, I'm off to take a cold shower. DFTBA!


Chris said...

I'm glad she stuck to her beliefs and everything, Miss California, that is, from the Miss USA pageant.

And, by the way, your blog is so not boring. It's just that when you post everyday, you start making it less about important or interesting thoughts that you have and more of like an itinerary where you let your readers know where and what you're going to, have been, and want to be doing.

Keep it up though Lauren. I'm proud of you for getting so far. I'm way too busy to post a blog everyday of April. LOL!

Scott said...

SUMMER HEIGHTS HIGH IS THE BEST SHOW EVER! My friends and I at uni just go up to eachother and will start singing, "She's a slut and she knowwwws it!" So glad you've been introduced to it.

As for Miss California, I think it's admirable that she stuck to her beliefs, however I think her beliefs to be somewhat oppressive and medieval. I think people should believe in love and equality, period. Equality to me means not picking and choosing who you fight your battles for, but believing in rights for all people, regardless of circumstances. For example, if someone's against racsism, but is against gender eqality, for instance, it just seems a bit of a nasty paradox to me. Now replace gender equality with same-sex marriages.

I'm rambling... haha. I don't mean to offend anyone.

And I don't think your blog is boring! BEDA buddy stamp of approval.

Alissa said...

I agree that the Miss California thing is getting old. What's done is done, and constant tweeting is not going to change her or anyone else's opinion. You hear that, Perez?
I personally think it sucks that her answer is in a way representing me, but whatever.
And your blog is definitely not boring. Nonsense and poppycock! (Whatever that means)

Lauren Horst said...

Chris- Haha, well thanks for reading my blog! :) Posting every day is definitely a challenge with everything else going on in my life but I haven't run out of things to talk about quite yet so that's good.

Scott- YAY! Okay, so when I was writing about Summer Heights High I was like hmm..I don't know if any of my BEDA buddies have seen this but if any of them do, it's probably going to be Scott. HAHA I guess you just strike me as someone with a good sense of humor (humour?). Mr. G is my favorite person ON THE PLANET and it makes me so happy you sing his songs. Hahahahhaa.

LISSALO- I definitely agree that there is way too much tweeting going on about Miss California. And now Perez (according to his twitter) is going on all these news shows and talking about it and stuff. SOOO blown out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

Summer Heights High is Australian, you know :) and now that you've watched them you'll get it when I typed "I'm a naughty girl with a...bad habit, bad habit. Bad habit for druuugs". LOL.

You should also watch 'The Chaser's war on Everything'. It's political but VERY good/funny.

And even I read about the Miss California issue, it was on the free newspaper (read: gossip/ usueless news) we get on the train. Personally, I think it's good she stuck to her beliefs and morals but as others said, it is disappointing that her ideas are so backwards.

And she could've been a little less emphatic about the issue...especially the 'I think a man should marry a woman' thing, which was judgemental.

And another thing, it's amusing how the FREE SPEECH idea is a double edged sword (knife?) because the media and Perez have their own individuals right to free speech thus are allowed to say what THEY want.

And once again, your blog isn't boring. That is such a preposterous suggestion. Really!

Anonymous said...

And, I don't know how hot 80 degrees is, but it gets EXTREMELY hot in Australia too. Around 40 degrees Celsius in summer.

Thankfully, it's Autumn right now meaning beautiful weather :)

Lauren Horst said...

Hahahahah Sugandha! Anything Mr. G does is just amazing. "She's a slut and she knows ittttt" sooo funny.

As for Miss California, I think it's more of an agree to disagree situation at this point, because I don't think she was judgemental.

I did a Farenheit to Celsius converter online and discovered that 95 degrees for us is like 35 Celsius for you. MUCH MUCH MUCH too hot for me! In the summer it only gets to about 40 Celsius here. My perfect weather is 70 degrees (20 Celsius).