BEDA 30: Lalala

Goodness gracious the last couple weeks have been insane. I am literally gone from like 9:45am-9pm every day. I have no time to do homework/laundry/everything else so I wake up at like 7am and get stuff done before I leave for school. SO NOT IDEAL! I am excited for two months. Hahahaha. I'm actually still trying to figure out whether or not I want to do school in the Summer.

Our Junior High Mission Trip is canceled because of the Swine Flu and I'm really sad! I was definitely looking forward to it. Hopefully it'll be back on in a couple weeks.

I finally am going back to Seattle at the end of May for a weekend to go get the rest of my belongings. I'm so excited to have all my clothes/my printer/various books/shoes/etc. Hopefully I'll be able to go see Carly's show and hit up Pike Place/SAM as well!

This morning I woke up at 8am, which is kind of late for me. My room is a wreck and my car is a wreck and I have no clean clothes and I've just been focusing on the homework stuff I need to get done but of course there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything! Ho hum. Hopefully this weekend I can get caught up and then my blogs from here on out will be less rantful and more..funful...hahaaa...

Tomorrow I have nothing to do until 4pm, where I'm meeting with my director and another actor to go over some of our scenes/talk about our relationship for the film I'm doing. I guess we also have to take some pictures of us shopping and stuff so that should be interesting.
Saturday I'm going to see South Pacific at Pioneer. Yaaay! I miss doing the spring musical SO MUCH! I need to be involved in theatre right about NOW.
Sunday I'm working in the morning and then in the afternoon I am doing a photoshoot for something. Basically I get to be a boho hippie girl which is always fun!

So, while I ate my oatmeal this morning, I decided to look on demand and see if anything good was on. I discovered the movie Max Keeble's Big Move and I was like "wow, I used to like this movie a lot. I haven't seen it in forever. I should watch it!" I only made it through about 10 minutes when I said, "Hmmm I just don't really know why I ever liked this movie..." Thoughts about Max Keeble anyone? I think that I like it, I guess, but I decided to watch Secret Lives of Women: I'm in love with a Cross Dresser. Hahahaha classy.


BEDA 27: It's early.

It's 7:30am. Why am I up like an hour before I actually NEED to get up? Because I have so much to do, that I can only do in the early hours of the morning because I HAVE NO TIME OTHERWISE!

Here's what I did this weekend:

8:30am-1:30pm/ Work
3pm-4:30pm/ Coffee&sushi with Tracy
4:40pm-7ish?/ Hannah Montana movie with Tracy and Ashley (YES, I SAW HANNAH MONTANA AND I HAVE NO SHAME!)
7ish+/ Dinner with my mom and then hung out at home

I don't know all the times but it went: church, hang out after church, lunch with Chad, Tracy, Joel, and Mandie, back to church to get Tracy's car, go to downtown to see Hannah's dance thing, stay for like 5 dance numbers, back to church, hang out at church, set up for day7, hang out with Mandie and Alicia, day7, hang out after day7, get home around 10pm and crash.

So yes, this weekend I was mostly gone and I was busy but at least it was all fun stuff that I chose to do. Now that it is Monday I am back to work and school and homework with friends in between. You should also notice in the above schedule that I did not do any homework/laundry/responding to e-mails/mailing packages or anything else productive which is why I'm up at the crack of dawn today getting stuff done!

I have class this morning, then work, then meeting Chad at church for something, then movie night at Chris's since it's Tracy's last one! Awww. Sad times.

SPEAKING OF SAD TIMES...I am soo behind on ANTM! MUST CATCH UP THIS WEEKEND....really though, I'm also behind on Heroes and if you miss one episode your totally screwed up on the plot. I'm also behind on The Office, and you miss episodes it doesn't really affect the plot but you are missing the creativity and amazing writing! I need some good laughs every now and then!

Now I'm off to finish some reading due for my 10:30am class, maybe do some laundry, make some oatmeal for breakfast, and get all caffeinified up.

I definitely think you should see the Hannah Montana movie because it was amazing and I love Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana (the show). BUT, if you DO NOT like Miley Cyrus/do not watch Hannah will not like it..(COUGH COUGH Tracy and Ashley COUGH COUGH). Go see it, seriously.

BEDA 24: Part 2

Go read part one first. I'm adding this second one for several reasons....mostly because I didn't blog yesterday.

OKAY so I got a new layout....again. Basically there were some issues with my other one and the html wouldn't like, align right. It also had no dates showing up and it was just lame and making me frustrated. I like this one because it's all colorful and stuff as opposed to another one I was looking at that was brown are more "sophisticated." But I'm not really a "sophisticated" person so why not go with the wild one!

The stupid "home" and "faq" things don't work and I don't know how to fix that. I guess I'm not as html savvy as I thought, because I'm definitely having some issues with this. If anyone out there knows how to make those clickable, let me know!

So Tracy (good friend/audition buddy/fellow aspiring actor) moves to LA in a week and I'm kinda sad because we hang out all the time and now I will only be able to textually communicate with her. LA is only a 6 hour drive, though, so I'm not SUPER sad. Last night at Terra Nova we talked about the fears you have in your life that stop you from going for your dreams. Tracy had held off for so long in acting because it's definitely a tough world to get into. Other people (obviously) have different dreams that they want to pursue, and we talked about how common fear is, and how it's such a deciding factor in our actions.

Everyone is telling Tracy she is soooo crazy for moving to LA, or that whoever is sooo crazy for picking up and moving, or becoming a missionary, or leaving the country, I can't think of any other examples right now, but you get the point! I don't think it's crazy of her to do this at all (we talk about this all the time). Picking up and moving somewhere where you know no one just isn't that weird to me. I literally do not get it when people say she's crazy for doing this. Call me naive, but you move somewhere and make it work. Maybe you don't get to pursue exactly what you want for a while but you don't move somewhere and laze around and become homeless. You make it work. I guess I just don't have the fears that many people have. When Tracy decided to move to LA (I was there this whole process because I was supposed to be moving with her), my mindset was "of course! if that's what you've always wanted to do, why WOULDN'T you go?!" The reason I'm not going is purely for financial reasons, BUT with my new job I have hope that I will be able to pay off my laptop in a timely matter and start saving money to do whatever I want to do in the future, because money being the deciding factor in life decisions is just ridiculous.

I'll leave whoever reads this with that question, why aren't you pursuing what you want to in life? If you are, that's great. If it's because of financial reasons, save that monayyyy and work it out (I'm in that boat right now of "working it out). If it's because of fear....sorry, I don't relate. I'm totally not trying to sound mean, I just think that if you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to make it work, and if fear is what is overriding your passions and dreams, then I would really question if those are real passions and dreams you have, or just hobbies that you enjoy. If you want something bad enough, you WILL find a way to get it.

Adios amigos! :)


I meant to blog last night but I got home at like...2am and then I was already late anyways so I said "SCREW BEDA! I'LL DO IT IN THE MORNING!" haha...actually literally..I really did say that in the late hours of the night.

Yesterday I did nothing really productive except start watching Anne of Green Gables on VHS. I forgot this movie was like 6 hours long because it has all those part 1, part 2, second VHS, part 1, part 2.....INTENSE. But I'm enjoying it. These were definitely the movies that I watched all the time when I was younger.

Last night I had Terra Nova (college group at church) and after some plan confusion we ended up going to Campbell Billiards. Tuesdays and Thursdays are "ladies play free" night so we always take full advantage of that. I'm not so great at pool, but it's really fun! I think I improved a little bit last night....maybe....

I missed last nights episode of Taking the Stage last night but it's coming on again in like 30 minutes, so yaaaay. I'm excited.

I'm also auditioning for those intense movie that's being shot for 10 weeks in the summer/fall. It's an indie film, but it has a $100,000 budget so they are paying for all the leads to be flown out to all these places (arizona, alabama, canada, etc.) and for them to have room and board and all that. I haven't read the whole script but from what I've seen so far, it sounds pretty good. I already have my sides so I just need to send in my tape and paperwork for my first audition. I should probably get on memorizing those 15+ pages plus a 4 minute monologue I have to do for my theatre class. The monologue isn't due until the end of May but I figure I'll learn it now and then I can use it for auditions that are coming up. Grr...I don't even know if our video camera is working so I can record my tape! A video camera is definitely on my wish list for stuff I want.

OKAY, today is going to be a homework day. DO NOT CALL ME, DO NOT TEXT ME, I must finish my homework so that way I won't have anything to stress about this weekend, and trust's going to take all day. I'm super excited because after work tomorrow night Tracy and Ashley and I are finally going to get to see Hannah Montana (DON'T JUDGE ME)! I loooove Miley Cyrus.

Actually wait, I need to go to the post office today as well, so today is a homework and post office day. And the library....and maybe going to see that show tonight with Tracy and Cory. Hmmmmm.....

DFTBA<3 (speaking of DFTBA, did anyone see Hank's DFTBA rap??!)

oh and p.s. HayleygHoovers new video on her personal channel is so freaking hilarious. Especially when she did Alex Day's BEDA intro. LOOOVE HER!


Ouch, ouch, ouch. The tips of my fingers hurt so bad from playing the guitar so much the last week or so! I keep reforming these stupid blisters, but HEY at least I finished a song. :) I guess it's all worth it in the end.

Tonight I had Oasis (junior high youth group at church) and that's always a barrel of fun! I love all my little tweens and preteens and melodramatic girls! I'm excited for our Visalia trip coming up! :)

Got in home just in time to catch the last part of American Idol with my mom and little brother. Goodbye Anoopdawg! I really liked him....but I like other contestants more, so oh well. I missed ANTM tonight so I guess I'll have to watch that online.

Uggghhh every blog I always talk about how I need to do homework but then I just start browsing around online and I NEVER DO IT! I have such a ridiculous and overwhelming amount of work to do because I have literally done NOTHING yet this quarter and I am just too overwhelmed to tackle everything. How do I solve this problem!? I just need to "man up" (as my coworker would say) and get it done. I bet right after I post this, I will find something more interesting to do instead of read about film noir and it's impact on society. Ho hum. I'm such a good procrastinator! I NEED TO STOP THIS MADNESS!

I always think it's weird whenever people say they have nothing to talk about in their blogs. I don't really think mine are THAT interesting...probably more so for my best friends to read, but I never ever have run out of things to TALK about! I guess I'm just a chatterbox online, as well as offline (but we already knew that)!

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, so I'll talk about one of my favorite life memories that I was just thinking about. My good friend Nedim and I often (though we haven't in the past few months) hang out after school and work and whatnot and just watch tv together and hang out at night. Then he makes me a cucumber and cream cheese bagel and we watch MTV and VH1 and lurk myspace people and talk about life and take walks around the neighborhood. One night in the fall he had some pastel type paint stuff (he's a super good artist) and he just started drawing all over his face to make himself a raccoon. He then proceeded to draw all over me and make me a raccoon as well. We added the white around our mouths to make us raccoons with rabies. Now, in general, I wouldn't advise you to cover your face in pastel/paint's a little bit difficult to get off. BUT the face his parents made when they saw us was priceless. I just love these pictures because it was such a random night that was anything but typical...and isn't it the spontaneous events in life that you never forget? I believe this to be true and out of the many many nights I have spent at his house, this was definitely one of my favorites.

If you are reading this and think I am completely crazy, you just might be right. Don't worry, my friends and I do "normal" things also. Talking about the mall and movie nights just aren't as fascinating, though.

Tomorrow morning I must wake up early for dance, and then I think I might be getting my hair trimmed and seeing the Hannah Montana movie! What fun!


BEDA 21: Lalala

Today at work, a little girl named Gabrielle (she's 5) came up to me (and mind you, I see her every Tuesday) and said "Lauren! Today, you are very beautiful!" I laughed and said "Thank you Gabrielle! You are very beautiful too!" I'm not sure if I should take this simply as a compliment, or wonder if I normally look terrible and today was something out of the ordinary? I think I'll go with the former. Either way, it was very cute and there's nothing that starts off a good day at work like a fabulous ego boost.

I got home after work around 8pm, and lazed around because it is JUST TOO HOT! My coworker and I discussed today how this miserable heat is the ultimate energy sucker. It's very unfortunate, because I have quite a bit I need to get done before classes tomorrow. Right now I'm watching Princess Diaries (I haven't seen it in so long). I love Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway and I forgot how funny and awkward this movie is (I'm still at the beginning pre-makeover). There is a lot of witty dialogue that I had totally forgotten about. Yay for good movies! :)

Watching this movie also made me think about how much I wish I lived in a old firehouse. Anne Hathaway's house is amazing and she has a tower and it's just the big huge room that is this warehouse of artisticness. I WANT IT. Maybe I'll move to San Francisco and buy a firehouse to make my home. San Francisco IS only an hour away., eh?

Blaaah this is short because I'm trying to watch this movie and maybe start some homework? yuck.

Ciao & DFTBA :)

BEDA 20: It's too hot.

FIRST THINGS FIRST! This weather is ridiculous. It is WAY TOO HOT! For you non-Californians out there, today/yesterday was 90+ degrees. I feel like I'm melting every time I step outdoors. At least my work has air conditioning. Even as I sit in my room right now, my house is like 80 degrees and I feel like I'm dying.

Today I just had work (I skipped the one class I have on Mondays) and then I had a coffee/Mexican food date with Tracy (good friend/audition buddy/fellow aspiring actor). It is starting to get late and I have quite a bit of homework to do before Wednesday. I'll be gone from 10am-8pm tomorrow with work and school, so responsible Lauren is saying she should probably get at least SOME homework done tonight but irresponsible Lauren is saying it's too hot to function and she should catch up on an episode of The Hills she didn't watch last week and never do homework ever again.

Yesterday my brother introduced me to a fabulous show called Summer Heights High. This show is so hilarious and since there has only been one season so far, I have like 3 episodes to go and then I'm all caught up. Honestly, there aren't THAT many shows that I find myself laughing out loud at and then quoting and laughing some more and re-watching youtube clips over and over again....but this is one of them.

I hate when you have a whole bunch of random things that need to get done but you just don't have enough time to do them. I really need to go to the bank and post office but both of those places are closed by the time I get off of work and my break in between work and school is just long enough for me to drive there and be on time. LAME. I guess I'll go to the bank and post office on Thursday. THIS IS THE MOST BORING BLOG EVER! Maybe I should create the first 24 hour post office. Why haven't people thought about this?!

I hate all the crap Miss California is receiving right now for her comments at Miss America. It cost her, her title as well as being called a homophobe by all of America. I'm glad she said what she did and that she didn't compromise HER beliefs just to fit in with the majority of America. Lucky for us, we are in a country where we have freedom of speech and that she can (or SHOULD) be able to say HER OWN opinions without persecution. She could have easily said an answer that was more neutral but she chose to speak her mind and hold on to what she believed. I commend you Miss California! There are way too many articles in the news about this issue and it's just ridiculous that it's even an issue at all. It's her beliefs and her answer....leave it the heck alone. I still like Perez, but this whole "controversy" was uncalled for.

That's all folks, I'm off to take a cold shower. DFTBA!

BEDA 19: Movies and Family!

I love movies. I LOVE THEM. I mean, I should...right? That's kind of what I want to do with my career. Back when I wasn't so busy I would watch at least one movie a day, sometimes more. I also made sure I saw almost every movie that was up for an Academy Award. I love indie films and documentaries and all the Sundance ones that most people don't end up seeing. Tracy (good friend/audition buddy/fellow aspiring actress) always makes fun of me because I tend to watch movies over and over again. She let me borrow Autism: The Musical (which is a fabulous documentary) and I watched it like...4 times in one week! I just don't get sick of watching the same movie all the time. Same thing goes with music but that's a completely different discussion that would take an entire blog to talk about. I don't know if anyone has ever seen the movie Brick, but it's one of my favorites and I could watch it over and over and over again (and I did, when I first got it).

I guess I thought everyone watches movies over and over again but Tracy said that no, that is not the case (at least for her).

Recently I found some funny old pictures of my brothers and I when we were little (I have three younger brothers ages: 17, 15, and 11).

Lauren and John-Mark back in the day:

Lauren(19) and John-Mark(17) present day:

Lauren and Chad back in the day (don't be too jealous of my purple windbreaker pants):

Lauren(19) and Chad(15) present day:

That was us in October at GuluWalk and at Christmas.

I don't have any pictures of Trevor at the moment. Oh well....sorry Trev!

and here's my last one to show you WHAT MY MOTHER USED TO DRESS US IN! Oh the horror.

Really now, mom! REALLY?!

Make sure you click on that picture and get the fabulous blow up version of Chad's knee high socks and shoes. HAHA.


Yay for getting a new layout! My other one was so blah and boring and I didn't like it (even though I very much like the color purple) so yay for googling free templates. Hahaha.

This morning I had work from 8:30am-1:30pm and then I RUSHED home to change for my audition in Santa Cruz. I literally was at home 5 minutes and was barely able to throw on some decent clothes and grab some food. I then went and picked up Tracy (she is my good friend/audition buddy/fellow aspiring actress) so she could go with me to my audition/hang out in Santa Cruz afterwards. TRAFFIC WAS RIDICULOUS! Usually it takes 40 minutes or so to get to Santa Cruz but it took almost 2 hours to get there! CRAZY.

So I had a screen test and all that jazz and I ended up getting the role! It's a student film and I'm the lead and it will be all dandy and great and definitely something to add to my reel. So filming for that should start in a couple weeks.

After my audition I met back up with Tracy and we just hung out in Santa Cruz (downtown, NOT the beach) and talked and met a bunch of crazy people. It was like...80 degrees today? The warmest it's been for a while so that was interesting.

Here are pictures of downtown Santa Cruz:

These pictures don't do it justice but imagine a bunch of little boutiques and coffee shops and music stores and book stores and crazy granola eating hippies everywhere and musicians playing all along the street. Many many interesting and crazy characters all the time. It's fabulous, and my friends and I go there a lot during the summer just to hang out.

That whole adventure took up most of my day, so now I am home about to clean my disaster bedroom and do some homework (don't be too jealous of my crazy Saturday night plans)!


BEDA 17: Part 3

Okay, I am definitely getting a little too blog happy today but I figured that since I have my BEDA buddies, they might just want to know a little bit more about me without having to read through every single blog...nope, definitely would not recommend that.

Musical: Spring Awakening
Color: Purple
Flower: Yellow daffodils
Book: Looking for Alaska-John Green

Dang, I ran out of things to say...
well anyways, here are just some random facts about me:

I love theatre and film and TV and everything surrounded the entertainment industry.
I watch a lot of TV (mostly online though) and this includes: J&K+8,Freaks and Geeks, The Hills, Taking the Stage, Heroes, Survivor, The Office, American Idol, ANTM, Real World, etc.
I strongly advise you to read all of John Green's books. I'm just starting my first MJ one, so I will slowly be catching up with all those.
My favorite food is pasta! YUUM
I love to travel and take road trips and plan trips and pack and unpack and visit people and go to other states and go to other countries and yeah.
I'm a Christian and am Jr. High staff at my church and I love it! :)
I play the guitar and the piano and I also sing/song write.
I love foreign languages and have taken 2 years of French, 1 year of ASL, and 3 years of Spanish.

I guess I thought I had more to say about myself then that but at least that's something! Happy blogging


BEDA 17: Part 2

BEDA BUDDIES have arrived my friends! I think it's all very exciting. My buddies are Scott, Alissa, and Sugandha and we are from 3 different countries, are in different time zones, but all have similarities! Thank you to Maureen for pairing us up. NERDFIGHTERS UNITE.

BEDA 17: Rise N' Shine!

Ahhh good morning world! I am finally starting to feel better from my stupid cold. Getting sick is just so inconvenient. I managed, though, to not miss any work or school (minus dance). Yaay for getting well!

Here's my rant of the day (or maybe it's a not rant):
I think that people in your life NOT supporting you is a love/hate situation. I personally love it because in the end you prove them the meantime though, it is very frustrating.
I very much enjoy acting/film/tv and all aspects of the entertainment industry. Say one want to pursue acting as a possible career choice? One would start off doing small things: commercials, student films, extras work. After one has the appropriate experience then one would move on to bigger projects/SAG/AFTRA.

"LAUREN! you are going to audition for something you are not even getting paid for?!!"

OH MY! I must have forgotten that I am the next Angelina Jolie and should be demanding from these people millions and millions of dollars....

Oh wait. I don't have that much experience yet, I come from a theatre background with not very much film work under my belt, and oh yeah...I can't do acting as a full time job because I AM A FULL TIME STUDENT AND WORK 25 HOURS A WEEK.

Why am I okay with not getting paid right now? Because it's for the experience. Because it's something I enjoy doing. Because it makes me happy and excited to be on set somewhere. So instead of focusing on whether or not it PAYS, shouldn't it be about whether or not I am having fun/pursuing my dreams?

I don't know if all artist's should work just for the money. There's an amount of satisfaction that goes into creating something people (and yourself) enjoy.

Yes, in the future when I live on my own and need to pay bills I will definitely be much more concerned about the financial aspects of the industry but right now in my life it's just fun.....and what's so wrong with that?

In the end, I am not pursuing acting to get rich. Almost all actors in this day and age work another job besides acting. So don't try and become an actor for the sole purpose of getting rich. I do it because I love it and go ahead let the insults fly about how "I'll never make it" and how I "should be getting paid instead of just wasting time." In one ear, and out the other. Clearly we do not all have the same priorities.

I have a screen test tomorrow afternoon so that should be fun! Who doesn't love being in front of the camera?!! :D

I started reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson last night. Pretty good so far! Maybe I'll spend most of today reading outside in the sun.


BEDA 16: Ohh ya know!

So this morning I woke up and decided to read Paper Towns (again). Basically I started reading it but was really really busy with school and life and so I had to return it to the library like 1/3 of the way through. This is a very very terrible thing to do with books. Luckily I got it from the library AGAIN and was able to start it and finish it today. I love finishing books. I feel so accomplished, and since I'm trying to read 50 books in 2009, I always feel really good when I read an entire book in one day.

I actually read Looking for Alaska in one day, as well. John Green= amazing.

I skipped dance this morning but had work this afternoon/evening which was alright. My coworkers are all pretty sick so it just makes everything go by faster. And all my kids are so gosh darn cute.

Right now I'm watching The Visitor and I have to say that it is pretty good. I think I may have some auditions for some film stuff this weekend, so hopefully I'll be discussing that soon!

I really want to get another fish. Every since poor Martini died, I just want to get another one! Maybe next pay check on the 30th I'll reward myself with a new friend. Hmmmm any name suggestions? I love thinking of my future children/pet names. I've thought about going with a "world cities" theme and naming my children Sydney, Cairo, London. Or maybe I'll go with naming them after my favorite characters in plays/books: Alaska, Moritz, Ilse. Maybe I'll just name my future fish Bubbles or something like that. I always am interested in seeing what people want to name their unborn children. Some interesting kids' names from work: Indigo (boy), Topaz (boy), and Ainsley (girl). All three of these kids in particular are so precious. I just want to eat them with a spoon!

The new youtube is stupid. That is all I have to say about that. I very much dislike it.

Now it's time for Taking the Stage. I LOVE THIS SHOW.



Okay, so really though...HOW MANY DAYS OF BEDA HAVE I MISSED?! Sad news friends. Oh well, the lovely Maureen Johnson said it was alright if we missed a day (or few..) and that we could just get right back on track.

Here to start off is some quotes that were said in class today by my amazing theatre professor!

"I think the medical term would be 'she got knocked up!'"

"Act like kings and queens in charge of the lower class! You are the pimp in charge of your street women!"

"You really just asked how you should start the assignment? Well I would say you should start at the beginning!"


I have a cold so that pretty much sucks. On the other hand I just got a whole bunch of books I need to read! The sad part is that I have too much school and work at the moment to read as much as I'd like to. your little brothers wear your shoes? I walked out of my bedroom this morning to find my little brother (he's 11) playing x box and...WEARING MY UGGS! This is not normal! Who steals their sisters' uggs?! WHO DOES THAT?! Clearly my weird.

The past couple days I've just been watching more and more Freaks and Geeks. Not gonna lie, I'm definitely addicted.

I just filled out my info to get a BEDA BUDDY! YAY. I'm so excited! Maureen is such a clever cat.

This entry is lame and my mind is all over the place due to my heavily medicated self right now...I really need some nyquil right about now. Hopefully I will have improved before dance and work tomorrow!

Off to do some film homework.




De Anza= awesome (besides the NOT SO AWESOME parking situation). Really though, it took me like 20 minutes to find parking which is just stupid and waste of time. But Theatre Appreciation was fun and dandy...and hopefully I'll get added to the class.

Then I finally got a job! I found out tonight (after my 2nd interview) that I got hired. And they told me right afterwards and it was all fun and dandy. So I'm working tomorrow...hahaha. YAY FOR JUMPING RIGHT IN.
Good things about my work:
-I get to play with children between the ages of 2 and 5.
-My uniform consists of fun t-shirts and sweats/basketball shorts.
-I don't have to wear shoes.
-My coworkers are all my age-ish.
-I get to teach kids how to walk on balance beams and do fun exercise stuff and teach them gymnastics and play in a ball pit.
-It's just very fun where time goes by fast.

Even though tomorrow is my first OFFICIAL day of work, the two interviews I've had are "working interviews" where I was basically actually working...

So all in all, even though it took me a while to find a job I like, I now have a job I like!

Then tonight Tracy and I got coffee and talked about our fun lives at the moment. REALLY THOUGH on the life happiness scale my life went from like a -27 to a 7 over the course of a day.

Who gets excited about school and work? REALLY LAUREN, REALLY?

Well it's off to reading and sleepy time because I have classes in the morning (ballet and jazz) YEAH I KNOW FUN STUFF :)

I've also decided I freaking LOVE Urinetown. The music is so good!<3

BEDA 5: Oh man.

So tomorrow I have my first class at De Anza. I have never been to the school before/have no idea where my building is that my class is in/have no clue what parking is going to be like.



But my class is intro to theatre, so I assume it won't be too bad...considering I like the subject? eh eh?

THEN in the afternoon my neighbor is going to come over and fix my bedroom window that my little brother BROKE! that's right folks, Lauren Noel Horst has had a piece of cardboard as a window for almost three days now. I have six blankets on my bed at night.

THEN I have my job interview #2. Basically a callback to see if the people I would potentially be working with like me as much as the people who I will never work with do.

My brother is listening to music in Spanish very loudly from his distracting.

So fun story for the day:
My mom made pancakes this morning but accidentally left them on the stove cooking so three pancakes are now charcoal and are completely cooked onto the pan and won't wash off. HAHA. The whole house smelled like it was burning but luckily the fire alarm didn't go off (wait, that could be a bad alarms are supposed to alert one that one is about to die...)

I have so many interesting things that go on at my house/with my neighbors on a daily basis. If you are in a bad mood, just ask me to explain my day at home to you, because my house is insane.


BEDA 4: Blah

-I had a job interview for almost 3 hours
-I washed my newly fixed car
-I went to office depot
-I watched memento at Chris's
-I ate half a pizza
-I got a massage from Nich for picking up him and my brother
-I played the guitar

This entry is short and sweet because I'm in a bad mood and don't feel like writing extensively about my life at the moment. Happy blogs to come tomorrow hopefully!

BEDA 3: Lazy Days

So, since De Anza starts on Monday...this is one of my last official days of the beloved SPRING BREAK. I guess I can't really complain since I've had two weeks off of school. Can I just express my love for the quarter schedule as opposed to the semester schedule? Quarter > semester. pwnd.

So far today I have accomplished:
-reading updated blogs of my favorite bloggers who are participating in BEDA.
-sorting through/responding to a bunch of e-mails.
-making some green tea.
-doing some laundry.
-watching all my youtube subscriptions that I hadn't seen yet. I'm sure in like 2 hours my feed will all be full again.
-watching John Tucker Must Die (I'm watching it right now since I've never seen it before).

Don't be jealous of my ultra fun life..SARCASM.

I swear I really do, do things with my life. But this is spring break, the times of sleeping in and watching movies and reading all day will soon be over. Ho hum.

I have a job interview tomorrow morning that I am a bit nervous for. Why am I nervous? Who knows. I feel very very qualified for the position but ya never know! We'll see how that goes.

So, I think I'm at the post office like EVERY DAY of my life. Why? Because I like writing letters/selling textbooks off of amazon/bookmooch/etc. I think I actually need to go AGAIN today and send some stuff off. Wouldn't it be great if the government decided postage fees were eliminated? I think that would be fabulous.

SO ANYWAYS, moral of THAT story is that we should be pen pals. I like writing/receiving letters and if you do also, then let's write each other all old school with like, ya know..envelopes and paper. Some of my friends and I so much like writing to each other that since we live in the same city (and can't really be pen pals) we just write notes during the week and switch them on Sundays/Wednesdays/whatever. It really does make your days a little bit better.

Let's all just take a moment to appreciate the little things in letters and notes and green tea and lame movies that are cheesy but still make you laugh.

On a less positive note:
I really really want to move to LA for the spring/summer. Unfortunately I don't have money to do that at the moment, so I wish I could just get a job and then life would be dandy and great. Stupid economy and having to give jobs to old people with college degrees instead of young fresh faced 19 year olds who have big city dreams. Since Tracy is moving there in May, hopefully I can save up, finish school at the end of June, and move out there (with her?) in Julyish? Then again, my plans change every week so it's very hard for me to plan into the future.

What are your ultimate dreams? I have roughly about 6,462 but I don't think you would want my blog to be consumed by all those.

Wow, this movie is getting worse by the minute hahahaha. I love Brittany Snow but GOODNESS GRACIOUS this movie is so dumb.


BEDA 2: Good Morning Starshine

Naturally, as any typical teenager, I enjoy waking up late in the morning. I pride myself on the ability to sleep at least 9 hours every night and still feel tired (har har har NOT).

This morning was different. This morning I woke up at the crack of dawn (7:13am) because of a dream I was having. It was one of those dreams where your reflexes start freaking out and your body just wakes you up. In this dream there was a martyr in a Jabbawockeez mask, Denzel Washington as my brilliant teacher, and a man who was the white version of Denzel Washington (this man looked EXACTLY like Denzel but with white skin. Rather odd).

Yes I know, this all sounds very strange. But the point of the story was that this white Denzel, the real Denzel, and a group of kids were all at my old high school being shot at by these crazed student killers. And they were dying for some cause (in my dream I didn't know what the cause was, but I guess it was an important one). They were running out and knew that they would be killed (I was in the far back of this escapade) and it was all just very exciting. Sure, being awoken at the crack of dawn because your bodies natural reflexes to the sight of people being shot and blood exploding everywhere isn't the ideal way to wake up, but I thought it was cool.

If you have a cause, and you are willing die for it, hey.....gotta give you props. I'd rather have one passionate person in the world than 100 people who aren't doing anything with their lives.


1. I found this really great website where a bunch of filmmakers have submitted short films that all have to be about a certain topic (I think there are five different ones-humility, forgiveness, freedom, joy and redemption). Now we get to vote on them for the month of April. Click here to go and watch some of the films (there are 97, I believe). I already have a few favorites, so feel free to ask me which ones I like. And yes, I'm planning to watch them all.

2. I am going to finish a book today. Yay. Now I can start on one of my new ones that Ally let me borrow.

3. Spring quarter starts on Monday (I'm on the waiting list for some classes, so hopefully I get in). I was going to take the quarter completely off of school but then I wouldn't have health insurance and yadadada..... so I thought, if I'm going to be in school semi against my will, I'm going to take: intro to film, ballet, jazz, film genres, and theatre appreciation. Two points for taking classes that you enjoy (instead of taking math/english/science/important classes).

Peace up buttercups, and DFTBA :)


Thanks to Maureen Johnson, I am participating in BEDA (Blog Every Day April). Some people are doing VEDA, but that's just too intense, so I'll stick to BEDA.

lots of stuff going on in my life.

1. First of all, I am back from Seattle for the time being. I decided to take the quarter off of school and work and it's better to work here at home where I have a car. Then when I got here I decided I might actually take a couple classes at De Anza. Still not sure about that.

2. My good friend Tracy just introduced me to this amazing show called Freaks and Geeks. It's SO AMAZING.

3. I love! Go check it out.

4. I have quite a bit of random errands to do today, including the post office, rearranging my bedroom, figuring out school stuff, oasis tonight. That's what's up.

5. I really miss my SLR camera which happens to be in Seattle right now. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it.

Hopefully April will be a month of fun happy times, since my life has been all sorts of chaos the past yearish. NEW START! Maybe I should take up yoga or something...